American Medical Association. Harmful Consequences of Alcohol Use on the Brains of Children, Adolescents, and College Students.- a compilation and summary of two decades of comprehensive research on how alcohol affects the brains of youth. l
Buxton, Bonnie. (2004). Damaged Angels: A Mother Discovers the Terrible Cost of Alcohol in Pregnancy. Toronto: Knopf.
Clarren, Dr. Sterling. Keynote Address to the Yukon 2002 Prairie Northern Conference on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
Department of Public Safety Canada (2009) FASD Bibliography, Ottawa.
Public Health Agency of Canada. (2003) FASD: A Framework for Action. Ottawa. (originally published under auspices of Health Canada)
Laporte, Annette, Terralyn McKee, Zenon Lisakowski, Albert F. Chudley, Julianne Conry. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, A Message to Police Officers about FASD. Royal Canadian Mounted Police, D Division. Online:
McKee, Terralyn. (March 1, 2006). FASD and Police Services. Presentation at the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorders Symposium for Justice Professionals, Toronto, ON
Nanson, Dr. Jo. (March 1, 2006). Alcohol-exposed Youth & the Court. Presentation at the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorders Symposium for Justice Professionals, Toronto, ON
Roberts, G. & Jo Nanson. (2002) Best Practices: FAS/FAE and the effects of other substance use during pregnancy. Ottawa:Health Canada
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2004). Substance Abuse Treatment and Care for Women: Case Studies and Lessons Learned. Vienna: United Nations